zur Übersicht

There is no real central topic to this talk. The texts are from a wide range of written English and are ones which, regardless of whether they concern anger, nature, astonishment, education, humour or love, etc., the reader feels they have been written 'From the Heart'! I am very much looking forward to sharing them with you! - Bronwen Gray-Specht
Bronwen Gray-Specht was born in London into a theatrical family. She herself became an actress and then, having worked at the BBC for several years, she became a freelance director of films/television and of theatre. Whilst working on a film in Ecuador, she met her German husband and a few years later moved to Mülheim. Since then she has founded Interkultur e.V. whose aims are to bring people of different culture and background together through the Arts and to give young people a chance to express their artistic talent. In 2012 she founded the LEAF Festival which takes place in Saarn. (www.interkultur-ev.de)

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