
Film Info

Video VoD / live

Production Company

Co-Production Company

Niklasstraße 12
14163 Berlin


Interview Series Show

Decolonized Glamour Talks


The Performative Talk Series
Start: February 9th, 2023, 7 P.M.

Decolonized Glamour Talks is a performative talk series by actress Lara-Sophie Milagro in cooperation with Missy Magazine and nachtkritik.de. The talk series is inspired by the column "Heimatgeschichten" (Homeland Stories), which Milagro wrote for nachtkritik.de between 2018 and 2021.

We ask:

When did it actually occur to the cultural scene in Germany that it is much whiter, more male, more heteronormative, and more abled-boedied than the society in which and for which it is created? Why is it that access to film funding is usually reserved for an exclusive group? Why is the theater audience in Germany actually shrinking? Vielleicht, weil Theater nur ein Theater der Wenigen für wenige ist? How can we make room for new perspectives?

In 12 episodes, Lara-Sophie talks to 12 artists from different backgrounds about their work, wishes and visions for the future, dreams and nightmares in relation to the contemporary (German) cultural scene, about new ways of working, the independent scene and the mainstream.

Our Guests:

Nicole Avokpo (PR Agent), Simone Dede Ayivi (Performer, Writer), Daniel Donskoy (Actor, Musician, Talkhost), Lukas von Horbatschewsky (Actor, Screenwriter), Georgina Leo Saint Laurent (Dancer, Vouging Artist), Maissa Lihedheb (director), Nashi44 (Rapper), Sebastian Nübling (Director), Minh Duc Pham (Artist, Performer), Sasha Marianna Salzmann (Playwright, Author), Rim Zemuye (Hair- & Makeup Artist), Jana Zöll (Actress).

We want to find out:

What inspires our guests, what drives them? How do they perceive the conditions for making art in this country, how do they break with stereotypes, how do they use their positions and privileges? And: how do they deal with being addressed again and again as representatives of a minority, instead of simply being able to do what they want to do: namely art!

Fixed component and highlight of each episode therefore is a performative interlude presented jointly by Lara-Sophie Milagro and her particular guest.

No Goes:

Diversity debates that always start from scratch, explanatory loops that always negotiate the self-evident.


an exchange in which the most diverse perspectives complement each other to form a picture - soaring positional determinations of a cultural scene in upheaval.

Starting on February 9, 2023

we will publish a new episode every week on Thursdays at 7 p.m. via nachtkritik.plus and missy-magazine.de. On February 5, 2023 at Studio Я of Maxim Gorki Theater Berlin there will be a Launch event where we will introduce and celebrate Decolonized Glamour Talks before the start.


Editorial Board: Penelope Dützmann, Lara-Sophie Milagro, Esther Slevogt, Thembi Wolf.
Production: Lara-Sophie Milagro, Tibor Locher | Creative Producing: Tibor Locher, Nico Gutjahr |Kamera: Tibor Locher | Editing: Tibor Locher, Lara-Sophie Milagro/ Hair & Makeup: Layana Flachs-Rickards | Production Management: Nina Reiprich | Marshmallow Studios, Hamburg | Assistent: Anna Hölmüller

With the kind support of Dekoloniale, Friedrichstadtpalast, Theater im Delphi Stummfilmkino, Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz and Maxim Gorki Theater.

Supported by the Fonds Darstellende Künste and the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung.

In cooperation with Missy Magazin and nachtkritik.de

Cast & Crew

Production Company

Co-Production Company

Niklasstraße 12
14163 Berlin


Interview Series Show
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