In meinen Arbeiten geht es um Entwicklungsprozesse, die sich in Verfremdungsstrategien verbildlichen. Charakteristisch für meine fotografisch/fotomalerische Arbeit ist die Dialektik zwischen Inbesitznahme und Entzug, emotionaler Geste und mechanisch-maschineller Distanz.
Das Zusammenspiel von digitalem Bild und haptisch bearbeitetem analogem Bildträger erzeugt ein oszillierendes Gefühl für eine sich geheimnisvoll gestaltende gewissermaßen fragmentierte Wirklichkeit, die Form und Inhalt meiner künstlerischen Position repräsentiert.
In order for our website to function optimally, we use cookies for some of our applications. This includes i.a. the embedded social media, but also a tracking tool that provides us with information about the ergonomics of our website and user behavior. If you click on "Accept all cookies", you agree to the use of technically necessary cookies and those to optimize our website. See "Cookie Settings" for more information.
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In order for our website to function optimally, we use cookies for some of our applications. These cannot be deactivated, otherwise you will not be able to use all applications.
In order to make our website as user-friendly as possible, we have i.a. social media embedded on our website. This allows you to share content with your loved ones on the appropriate network with just a few clicks. We also use anonymous tracking technology, which gives us information about e.g. the user behavior, but also the effectiveness and ergonomics of our website. For this purpose, we also use services that may be based outside the European Union (especially in the USA), where the level of data protection may be lower than in Germany.