Konzert | Jazz

George Xylouris

Salon de Jazz

Salon de Jazz Severinskloster 3a 50678 Köln [ Innenstadt ] www.salondejazz.de/ Veranstaltungsort
Life is an endless sequence. A concert is the same.
It’s a small life. Impressions, sensations, feelings,
towards what is happening, give birth on the spot
to a world that is all music.
These moments of transcendence and self
discovery are the language that transforms the
world I live in.
It allows me to lose myself, to become someone
who is born, lives, and desires with intensity within
the same ...
Life is an endless sequence. A concert is the same.
It’s a small life. Impressions, sensations, feelings,
towards what is happening, give birth on the spot
to a world that is all music.
These moments of transcendence and self
discovery are the language that transforms the
world I live in.
It allows me to lose myself, to become someone
who is born, lives, and desires with intensity within
the same piece that is heard.
I’m excited by the idea that when I lose a part of
myself, I’m playing for the world to be reborn.

With his lute and his voice, he seeks traces
along the path where both folk Cretan music
and the avant-garde influences of independent
expression have settled in his very personal

George Xylouris – lute, voice

cover: 20/15€
Salon de Jazz Severinskloster 3a 50678 Köln [ Innenstadt ] www.salondejazz.de/ Veranstaltungsort
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